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副教授 翟文彦

发布时间: 2023-10-23 16:29:59   作者:澳门十大信誉网赌大全   浏览次数:




科研情况:主持省部级项目4项、厅局级项目1项;在Journal of Materials Research and Technology、Corrosion science、Journal of Alloys and Compounds及Ceramics International等国际期刊发表SCI学术论文30余篇,以第一作者及通讯作者发表SCI学术论文18篇;以第一发明人授权国家发明专利2项;出版个人专著1部。


[1]Wenyan Zhai*, Haohan Sun, Liang Sun, Qian Zhao, Yanming Liu, Yiran Wang, Bowei Pu, Bangyan Zhang, Shiqing Wang. Influence of Cu content on mechanical and tribological properties of Al-7Si-Cu alloy [J]. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 26 (2023) 4848-4859.

[2]Wenyan Zhai*, Bowei Pu, Liang Sun, Liujie Xu, Yiran Wang, Lin He, Hui Dong, Yimin Gao, Manman Han, Yisong Xue. Influence of Ti3AlC2content and load on the tribological behaviors of Ti3AlC2p/Al composites [J]. Ceramics International 48 (2022) 1745-1756.

[3]Wenyan Zhai*, Kaihua Zhang, Yimin Gao, Liang Sun, Liujie Xu, Yiran Wang, Hui Dong, Shiqing Wang, Qian Gao. Preparation and oxidation kinetics behavior of bulk Cr3C2-20wt%Ni cermets [J]. Ceramics International 47 (2021) 6573-6583.

[4]Wenyan Zhai*, Bowei Pu, Liang Sun, Yiran Wang, Hui Dong, Qian Gao, Lin He, Yimin Gao. Influence of molybdenum content and load on the tribological behaviors of in-situ Cr3C2-20wt.% Ni composites [J].Journal of Alloys and Compounds 826 (2020) 154180.

[5]Wenyan Zhai*, Bowei Pu, Liang Sun, Hui Dong, Yiran Wang, Lin He, Yimin Gao. Influence of Ni content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of chromium carbide-nickel composites [J]. Ceramics International 46 (2020) 8754-8760.

[6]Wenyan Zhai*, Yimin Gao, Liang Sun, Lin He, Yiran Wang. Improvement of high temperature oxidation behavior of Cr3C2-20wt.%Ni cermets by adding 1wt.% Mo [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 731 (2018) 271-278.

[7]Wenyan Zhai*, Yimin Gao, Liang Sun, Yiran Wang, Ken Niwa, Masashi Hasegawa. High pressure in-situ synthesis and physical properties of Cr3C2-Ni cermets [J]. Ceramics International 43 (2017) 17202-17205.


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